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Conditions Of Use

Our Commitment To Privacy

Smart Aviation does not guarantee that personal information transmitted to its servers, including without limitation information in quotes, will not be disclosed to third parties.

The Information We Collect

We try to create and maintain the contents of this website as correctly and comprehensively as possible, yet we can in no way guarantee complete correctness, comprehensiveness and accuracy of the contents. Nor can we guarantee the results which may possibly be gained with the information on this website in any way. In short while we create and update this site with the utmost care and security, there may be a possibility that this site contains incorrect information.

Copyright of Content

This website and its information contained may not be altered, distributed, published, performed, stored permanently or used in any other work, (be it publication, project or website) without first obtaining permission from Smart Aviation.

Further to this, it is prohibited to use this site for commercial activities, such as advertisements, without prior permission from the forementioned bodies.

Our Commitment To Data Security

While we aim to secure our shared-hosting servers to the best of our abilities, third parties may unlawfully intercept transmissions or private communications, or access data within the servers upon which the site is hosted.

How To Contact Us

You may contact Smart Aviation 24 hours a day by phone on +44 1293 551 244 or by email on [email protected]. Alternatively you can email us via the form on our contact page.

By visiting this website you agree to be bound by the above conditions.
